Cheriyakara Island/ Suheli Par Island
Oceanic / Coral Island
Lakshadweep (UT)
Arabian Sea (Cheriyakara island located near the Agatti Island in Lakshadweep, Arabian Sea)
Less than 2
Around 1 to 1.5 m (Data from Google earth)
The major soil types in Lakshadweep are coral sand derived from coral limestone. The islands of Lakshadweep have a soil layer overlying coral limestone. The island soil includes coral sands and lagoonal sands. These soils are highly permeable and allow rainfall to readily infiltrate, with the result that surface run-off does not occur except in local areas of compacted soils. (Source: CGWB Report, 2009)
The average rainfall of Lakshadweep is 1640 mm. Though the islands receive high rainfall, storage of freshwater is difficult due to high permeability nature of coral sand. Net annual ground water availability: 349.86 ha.m Annual Ground Water Draft: 258.79 ha.m (Source: CGWB Report, 2011)
Lakshadweep Islands are coral island and general enclose a lagoon. The hard coral limestones exposed all along the beach during low tides and in well sections. Along with hard pebbles and coral sand generally seen.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
No information available
4.51 km (Data from Google earth)
1.47 m
Lagoon side 1 to 10 m depth; Open sea side 20 to more than 125 m.
Light house and solar energy
Telephone system - mobile; Broadcast media - radio
The Lakshadweep capital is Kavaratti Island. Lakshadweep administration provides the inter-island boat service facility for both local people and tourists. The island can be reached by boat from Kavaratti jetty.
Cochin port or Kochi port, Kerala
276 km from Kochi port 68.00 km from Kavaratti jetty
275 km from Kochi, Kerala
Air and water are the two modes of transport to reach Lakshadweep from Kochi. Kerala is the gateway of Lakshadweep. The inter-islands can be reach by boat and helicopter. 90 km from Cheriyakara Island to Agatti Airport, Lakshadweep. 468 km from Agatti Airport to Cochin International Airport, Kerala.
Coconut farms
No information available
No information available
No information available
Seagrass and seaweed
Coral and reef associates
No information available
Coconut plantation
Coral reef, seagrass, seaweed
Cyclone and coastal erosion
As per the Seismic Zone Map of India, this region assigned under the Moderate Damage Risk Zone III (MSK VII) (Source: NDMA, 2019)
Coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion and freshwater contamination