Data Web on Island Environment and Protection (DWIEP)

Coastal and Oceanic Island Database of India


Islands maintain many of the world’s most unique and vulnerable plants, animals and ecosystems, while also playing an important role in the health, welfare and cultural diversity of the people living there. Due to their small size, isolation and fragility of island ecosystems, their renowned biological diversity is threatened. They are particularly vulnerable to global climate change, climate variability and sea level rise.
India has about 1382 off-shore islands (both inhabited and un-inhabited). The estimation comprises of 1093 islands as shapes and 289 islands as rocks/rocky islets. The "Data Web on Island Environment and Protection (DWIEP)" aims to bring together existing sources of data and information relevant to island systems, to help planning for conservation and sustainable development through resource managers and decision-making at the island. Island-wise information of all islands such as Geography, Demography, Shoreline characterstics, Infrastructure and communication, Transportation, Activities, Tourism, Biodiversity, Hazards and Environmental issues are given. The DWIEP through the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), Chennai along with partner organisations, involved in island conservation and decision-making to ensure that the database is up-to-date and relevant, and so it provides a platform for communication and networking.